ICA 2015

All three papers we submitted from ReDefTie got accepted to the 65th Annual ICA Conference. The trip to San Juan was a great experience for our team and we really enjoyed the conference.

Ana and Ruoyun were accepted to the doctoral consortium of the Communication and Technology Division. At the CAT doctoral consortium, we (Ana and Ruoyun) spent a day discussing our and other PhD projects with a handful of excellent students and faculty.

Our papers will be available for download at the conference website for another couple of weeks and you can find the presentation slides here on the blog.


First journal paper published!

We are happy to announce that our first project paper, titled as “Emotional Responses of Browsing Facebook: Happiness, Envy, and Tie Strength), is now published in Computers and Human Behavior (download here)!

The paper examines the emotional responses (both positive and negative) of browsing Facebook, and how these are influenced by tie strength (relationship closeness between the reader and poster).

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Method specialist wanted!

We are looking for a committed
Researcher, main area: methods (part-time)
in the ERC/Social Media lab, starting to work at KMRC on April 1, 2015 or later. Our lab investigates the emotional and informational benefits of social media use as well as strategic communication via social media in the interpersonal and organizational domain. These topics are studied from a social psychological, media psychological and communication science perspective.
The successful applicant will work within the ERC project ReDefTie / Redefining tie strength – How social media (can) help us to get non-redundant useful information and emotional support” (ERC Starting Grant). The mains tasks will be method consulting and help with the analysis of complex datasets (including longitudinal data).

Click here for the (German) job ad:

Also available: post-doc position in the social media group, starting in August 2015


3/3 papers accepted to ICA

Papers from all three ReDefTie subprojects were accepted to ICA 2015 (San Juan, Puerto Rico). We’re looking forward to giving talks about the informational benefits of social media use (Sonja), the psychological effects of browsing Facebook (Ruoyun), and ambient awareness (Ana). Slides from our talks will be made available online shortly after the conference. Follow this blog for updates from ICA 2015 and ReDefTie.


Social Media Workshop in Berlin

Social Media Workshop: Scientific Research from Brain to Behavior is an interdisciplinary workshop on social media research, organized by Dar Meshi and Fenne große Deters hosted at the Freie Universität Berlin. This year was a mix of intriguing talks from psychology, communication science, and social neuroscience. The workshop was excellent, with friendly atmosphere, and plenty of opportunities to discuss current research.

Sonja Utz presented ReDefTie and some insights from our longitudinal data. The talk was followed by an interesting and lively discussion. Ana presented a poster with some descriptive data from the Ambient Awareness study. The slides and poster are available under Presentations.

(photos via @nicolemuscanell)



International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM) 2014

ICWSM 2014 took place at the University of Michigan, in sunny Ann Arbor, with chairs Eytan Adar @eytanadar and Paul Resnick @presnick. For me and quite a few others, this was a first time at this conference, so I would like to share some general impressions (for a more complete overview see the conference website and preface).

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Longitudinal study, wave 2: Facebook users read more and post less; motivations for twitter usage change

2678 respondents participated in the second wave of the longitudinal study. Social media use in general has not changed much. Most popular were still social network sites for private use (73.1%), followed by social media for business, such as Linkedin (24%). Only 14.8% engaged in microblogging.

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PhD position available

The announcement for the second PhD position is out! We are looking for someone with a (research) master in social or media psychology, communication science or a related discipline who is going to examine the emotional benefits of social media use.
More information on the procedure http://www.iwm-kmrc.de/www/stellenangebote/anzeige.html?kind=wissenschaftlich&dispname=Stellen#ausschreibung1042
