As the data from the 5th wave of our longitudinal study are in, we decided that it’s time to look at the development of social media use over time. Similar to what we saw in the data from the first two waves (see previous post), the overall patterns of social media use remain quite stable. Around 71% of the respondents use social networking sites (SNS) for private purposes, while the share of people who use SNS for professional purposes is approximately 24%. Continue reading
Tag Archives: longitudinal study
Longitudinal study, wave 2: Facebook users read more and post less; motivations for twitter usage change
2678 respondents participated in the second wave of the longitudinal study. Social media use in general has not changed much. Most popular were still social network sites for private use (73.1%), followed by social media for business, such as Linkedin (24%). Only 14.8% engaged in microblogging.
Motives for social media use: Men promote themselves!
This is the second blogpost on the first wave of the longitudinal study. Last time, I reported which media use, this time, I answer the question why people use the different media.
Longitudinal study, wave 1: How do the Dutch use social media?
The data for the first wave of the longitudinal study on social media use have been collected. Detailed analyses will be published on this blog after they’ve been accepted by journals, but here already some data on social media use. Continue reading